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Die Passagiere der 1. Klasse


Überlebende sind mit einem * gekennzeichnet:

*Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton
Allison, Mr. H. J.
Allison, Mrs. H. J. and *Maid
Allison, Miss L
*Allison, Master T. and *Nurse
*Anderson, Mr. Harry
*Andrews, Miss Cornelia I.
Andrews, Mr. Thomas
*Appleton, Mrs. E. D.
Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon

*Astor, Mrs. J. J and *Maid
*Aubert, Mrs. N. and *Maid
*Barkworth, Mr. A. H.
Baumann, Mr. J.
*Baxter, Mrs. James
Baxter, Mr. Quigg
Beattie, Mr. T.
*Beckwith, Mr. R. L.
*Beckwith, Mrs. R. L.
*Behr, Mr. K. H.
*Bishop, Mr. D. H.
*Bishop, Mrs. D. H.
Bjornstrom, Mr. H.
Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart
*Blank, Mr. Henry
*Bonnell, Miss Caroline
*Bonnell, Miss Lily
Borebank, Mr. J. J.
*Bowen, Miss
*Bowerman, Miss Elsie
Brady, Mr. John B.
Brandeis, Mr. E.
*Brayton, Mr. George
Brewe, Dr Arthur Jackson
*Brown, Mrs. J. J.
*Brown, Mrs. J. M.
*Bucknell, Mrs. W. and *Maid
Butt, Major Archibald W.
*Calderhead, Mr. E. P.
*Candee, Mrs. Churchill
*Cardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and Maid
*Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and manservant
Carlson, Mr. Frank
Carran, Mr. F. M.
Carran, Mr. J. P.
*Carter, Mr. William E.
*Carter, Mrs. William E. and Maid
*Carter, Miss Lucile
*Carter, Master William T. and Manservant
Case, Mr. Howard B.
*Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A.
Cavendish, Mr. T.W.
*Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. and *Maid
Chaffee, Mr. Herbert F.
*Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F.
*Chambers, Mr. N. C.
*Chambers, Mrs. N. C.
*Cherry, Miss Gladys
*Chevre, Mr. Paul
*Chibnafl, Mrs. E. M. Bowerman
Chisholm, Mr. Robert
Clark, Mr. Walter M.
*Clark, Mrs. Walter M.
Clifford, Mr. George Quincy
Colley, Mr. E. P.
*Compton, Mrs. A. T.
*Compton, Miss S. P.
Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr.
*Cornell, Mrs. R. G.
Crafton, Mr. John B.
Crosby, Mr. Edward G.
*Crosby, Mrs. Edward G.
*Crosby, Miss Harriet
Cummings, Mr. John Bradley
*Cummings, Mrs. John Bradley
*Daly, Mr. P. D.
*Daniel, Mr. Robert W.
Davidson, Mr. Thornton
*Davidson, Mrs. Thornton
*de Villiers, Mrs. B.
*Dick, Mr. A. A.
*Dick, Mrs. A. A.
*Dodge, Dr. Washington
*Dodge, Mrs. Washington
*Dodge, Master Washington
*Douglas, Mrs. F. C.
Douglas, Mr. W. D.
*Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and Maid
Dulles, Mr. William C.
*Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton
*Endres, Miss Caroline
*Eustis, Miss E. M.
Evans, Miss E.
*Flegenheim, Mrs. A.
*Flynn, Mr. J. I.
Foreman, Mr. B. L.
Fortune, Mr. Mark
Fortune, Mrs. Mark
*Fortune, Miss Ethel
*Fortune, Miss Alice
*Fortune, Miss Mabel
Fortune, Mr. Charles
Franklin, Mr. T. P.
*Frauenthal Mr. T. G.
*Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W.
*Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.
*Frolicher, Miss Marguerite
Futrelle, Mr. J.
*Futrelle, Mrs. J.
Gee, Mr. Arthur
*Gibson, Mrs. L.-
*Gibson, Miss D.
Giglio, Mr. Victor
*Goldenberg, Mr. S. L.
*Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L
Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B.
*Gordon, Sir Cosmo Duff
*Gordon, Lady Duff and *Maid
*Gracie, Colonel Archibald
Graham, Mr.
*Graham, Mrs William G
*Graha, Miss Margaret
*Greenfield, Mrs. L. D.
*Greenfield, Mrs. W. B.
Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin
*Harder, Mr. George A.
*Harder, Mrs. George A.
*Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and *Manservant
*Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper
Harris, Mr. Henry B.
*Harris, Mrs. Henry B.
Harrison, Mr. W. H.
*Haven, Mr. H.
*Hawksford, Mr. W. J.
Hays, Mr. Charles M.
*Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and maid
*Hays, Miss Margaret
Head, Mr. Christopher
Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry
Hipkins, Mr. W. E.
*Hippach, Mrs. Ida S.
*Hippach, Miss Jean
*Hogeboom, Mrs. John C.
Holverson, Mr. A. O.
*Holverson, Mrs. A. O.
*Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.
*Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.
Holt, Mr. W. F.
Isham, Mrs. A. E.
*Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and Manservant
Jakob, Mr. Birnbaum
Jones, Mr. C. C
Julian, Mr. H. F.
Kent, Mr. Edward A.
Kenyon, Mr. F. R.
*Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.
*Kimball, Mr. E. N.
*Kimball, Mrs. E. N.
Klaber, Mr. Herman
Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows
*Leader, Mrs. F. A.
Lewy, Mr. E. G.
*Lindstroem, Mrs. J.
*Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.
*Lines, Miss Mary C.
Lingrey Mr Edward
Long, Mr.. Milton C.
*Langley, Miss Gretchen F.
Loring, Mr. J. H.
*Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra
Maguire, Mr. J. E.
*Marechal, Mr. Pierre
Marvin, Mr. D. W.
*Marvin, Mrs. D. W.
McCaffry. Mr. T.
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J.
*McGough, Mr. J. R.
Meyer, Mr. Edgar J.
*Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.
Millet, Mr. Frank D.
Missahan, Dr. W. E.
*Missahan, Mrs. W. B.
*Missahan, Miss Daisy
*Moch, Mr. Pkdtp E.
Moch, Mr. Phillip E.
Molson, Mr. H. Markland
Moore, Mr. Clarence and Manservant
Natsch, Mr. Charles
Newell, Mr. A. W.
*Newell, Miss Alice
*Newell, Miss Madeline
*Newsom, Miss Helen
Nicholson, Mr. A. S.
*Omont, Mr. F.
Ostby, Mr. E. C
*Ostby, Miss Helen R.
Ovies, Mr. S.
Parr, Mr. M. H. W.
Partner, Mr. Austin
Payne, Mr. V.
Pears, Mr. Thomas
*Pears, Mrs. Thomas
Penasco, Mr. Victor
*Penasco, Mrs. Victor and Maid
*Peuchen, Major Arthur
Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain
*Potter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.
Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.
*Rheims, Mr. George
*Robert, Mrs. Edward S. and *Maid
Roebling, Mr. Washington A., 2nd
*Rolmane, Mr. C.
Rood, Mr. Hugh R.
*Rosenbaum, Miss
Ross, Mr. J. Hugo
*Rothes, the Countess of and *Maid
Rothschild, Mr. M.
*Rothschild, Mrs. M.
Rowe, Mr. Alfred
Ryerson, Mr. Arthur
*Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur and *Maid
*Ryerson, Miss Emily
*Ryerson, Miss Susan
*Ryerson, Master Jack
*Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe
*Schabert, Mrs. Paul
*Seward, Mr. Frederick K.
*Shutes, Miss E. W.
*Silverthorne, Mr. S. V.
Silvey, Mr. William B.
*Silvey, Mrs. William B.
*Simonius, Mr. Oberst Altons
*Sloper, Mr. William T.
Smart, Mr. John M.
Smith, Mr. J. Clinch
Smith, Mr. R. W.
Smith, Mr. L P.
*Smith, Mrs. L P.
*Snyder, Mr. John
*Snyder, Mrs. John
*Soloman, Mr. A. L.
*Spedden, Mr. Frederick O.
*Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. and *Maid
*Spedden, Master R. Douglas and *Nurse
Spencer, Mr. W. A.
*Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and Maid
*Stahelin, Dr. Max
Stead, Mr. W. T.
*Steffanson, B. B.
*Steffanon, H. B.
*Stehli, Mr. Max Frolicher
*Stehli, Mrs. Max Frolicher
*Stengel, Mr. C. E. H.
*Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H.
Stewart, Mr. A. A.
*Stone, Mrs. George M. and *Maid
Straus, Mr. Isidor and Manservant
Straus, Mrs. Isidor and *Maid
Sutton, Mr. Frederick
*Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel
Taussig, Mr. Emil
*Taussig, Mrs. Emil
*Taussig, Miss Ruth
*Taylor, Mr. E. Z
*Taylor, Mrs. E. Z.
Thayer, Mr. J. B.
*Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and *Maid
*Thayer, Mr. J. B., Jr.
Thorne, Mr. G.
*Thorne, Mrs. G.
*Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr.
Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R.
Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff
Walker, Mr. W. Anderson
Warren, Mr. F. M.
*Warren, Mrs. F. M.
*Weir, Mr. J.
White, Mr. Percival W.
White, Mr. Richard F.
*White, Mrs. J. Stuart and *Maid and Manservant
Wick, Mr. George D.
*Wick, Mrs. George D.
*Wick, Miss Mary
Widener, Mr. George D. and Manservant
*Widener, Mrs. George D. and *Maid
Widener, Mr.. Harry
*Willard, Miss Constance
Williams, Mr. Duane
*Williams, Mr. R. N., Jr.
*Woolner, Mr. Hugh
Wright, Mr. George
*Young, Miss Marie


 Das Geheimnis der Titanic - 3800 m unter Wasser

Der Tiefseeforscher Dr. Robert D. Ballard, promovierter Geologe und Geophysiker, lebt in den USA. Er war Professor an der 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution' und Direktor des 'Zentrums für Meeresforschung'. Er ist der Autor mehrerer Bestseller wie 'Das Geheimnis der Titanic' ...


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